Private health insurance in Romania started accelerating its growth, with gross premiums values 60% higher in 2018 than the previous year. Yet Romanians are still behind most European countries, with only 3.6 EUR per capita spent on health insurance, compared with the average of 232 EUR in Europe.
Health is a precondition for economic prosperity and with the lack of modern and decent conditions of the Romanian public health system, private health insurance could be the solution to cope with the inevitable ageing population and other related medical issues.
The array of private health insurance options is large and suited to every organization or individual needs. The number of employees and their dependents, the industry of the organization and its level of risk, the main age group or international mobility are all important factors to account when choosing a private health insurance package.
Between national and international health insurance options, mobility, ease of access and innovation are the differentiator factors. If the organization’s activity requires frequent travelling abroad or even work reallocations, then an international option would be best suited, to offer access to medical care outside the resident country. Whereas for a small company, with a few employees and no international travelling required, a national health insurance offer would be sufficient.
The downloadable document below contains an in-depth analysis of private health insurance in Romania and Europe, with a comparison between national and international offers, presented in the context of current health state and insurance market evolution.